You want to slow down, you want to rest more but...
you just keep going.
On a rational level, you know that you need to slow down and take breaks in order to find a balance of doing and being, of using energy and recharging
but when it comes to
sitting on the couch or quickly cleaning the kitchen
- you clean
stretching your body and taking a break because your back hurts or just “quickly finishing up this one task”
- you finish up the task for another 2 hours
mindlessly scrolling through social media or going out for a walk
- you scroll on your phone
There are two main reasons why you might not allow yourself to rest
1) being productive and achieving something is connected with self-worth: You feel better after a long day of work when you got a lot of things done than after a day of doing nothing and simply relaxing
2) it is a way to avoid and suppress: The busy-mode helps you to avoid feelings + thoughts that are uncomfortable
& I am sure you have already tried different relaxation techniques but they don't work long term?
That makes total sense because we can't work with the symptom (relaxation) without looking at the root of it (why you don't implement the exercises)
What the workshop supports you in
- understanding the reasons why you're not fully allowing yourself to rest until now so that you find a better balance of rest + activity which will let you feel more calm and less stressed
- you transform the blocks holding you in the busy-mode so that you get back into living in flow and ease with your body
- allowing your body to rest, makes it easier for you to listen to your inner guidance so that you create a life based on what you truly want
- resting more will make you feel more balanced and grounded which is going to have a ripple effect on your career, relationships and connection to yourself
April 26th @19:00 (Portuguese time)/ 20:00 (CET)
1,5 – 2h via Zoom
incl. recording of the workshop

Hi, I am Tessa & I was used to always crossing the boundaries of my body
I hated to walk slowly, I kept studying or working although I was completely tired and I wrote my exams even when one of my close family members was diagnosed with cancer.
Achieving A-levels and being productive made me feel worthy and that's why I never slowed down. I barely took breaks until, one day, my body forced me to when I started having panic attacks.
This was the biggest gift and life-changer as I started looking inside and healing the patterns that kept me in this behaviour.
I now live in harmony with my body and energy, knowing what I need and honouring that. I've deeply understood that my worth is not dependent of any of my achievements and that I can be of most service to this world by honouring my personal rhythm. The peace and joy that came with this transformation are indescribable.
My work is based on psychology (M.Sc.) as well as on spiritual wisdom (trained in meditation and energy work). Working with the mind, body, spirit and soul is what allows you to create long-lasting results.
Workshop + 1:1 Guidance
- LIVE Workshop + recording
- 2x 60mins. 1:1 Coaching Sessions (online)
- deep dive + transformation of your individual blocks that keep you from finding ease and flow in life
The Workshop takes place via Zoom on April 26th at 19:00 (Portuguese time), 20:00 CET and takes about 1.5 – 2 hours.
No worries! The Workshop is going to be recorded and uploaded where you can access it for 2 years.
You can access the recording for two years.